Plastic Benefits - The Advantages of Plastic

Since its inception, plastic enabled countless advances in our industry and way of the life. Created to be light, durable, chemically resistant, non-reactive to outside influences, and easy to manufacture, plastic was a perfect building material for countless articles that are used not only by ordinary users in their daily affairs but also in aeronautics, construction industry, electronics, packaging, transportation, energy conservation, scientific components and other.

Here are some of the most important benefits of using plastic:

Building and construction industry – From the moment famous Bakelite appeared in the first decade of 20th century, plastic became one of the most used building blocks of modern construction industry. This is only surpassed by packaging industry, which uses more plastic than construction industry. The most common uses for plastic in construction is in pipes, valves, bathroom units, flooring, siding, panels, insulation, plumbing fixtures, windows, doors, railings, glazing and gratings. They are used so much because of their awesome abilities to resist corrosion, natural elements and are also very light and easy to handle.

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Packaging - Versatile, durable, flexible, rigid, and light plastic was embraced by packaging industry with both hands. By employing various manufacturing techniques plastic can be shaped and molded into any desirable form, have any color, or any physical property. Plastic transport containers are not unly used for household items such as shatterproof bottles and child resistant packages, but also in medicine (biohazard waste disposal, sensitive containers, transport molds that hold their cargo in firm grip), research, and countless other fields.

Transportation – Plastic is very popular material that is today part of all transport vehicles on the world. Because of its toughness, durability, lightness, and ease of coloring, plastic can be found in fenders, trunk lids, bumpers, housing for headlights and mirrors, hoods, doors, wheel covers, and many more other places. By introducing plastic, manufacturers were able to significantly reduce the weight of their cars, airplanes and other vehicles, enabling them to be much more power efficient and easier to service. Off course, smaller means of transportations such as bicycles, roller skates, kayaks, canoes, skateboards, snowboards, surfboards, motorcycles have managed to use all that plastic can offer us. In public transportation, plastic is used almost everywhere – seats, handholds, carpeting, interior panels, and sometimes even polycarbonate windows.

Electronic – Thermal and insulation properties of plastic made it ideal to become backbone of the electronic industry. Because modern plastic recipes will not change its form after they are heated, manufacturers use plastic regularly for circuit boards, chips, coffee makers, mixers, microwave ovens, hair dryers and even refrigerators.

Recycling – Recycling plastic saves money and energy, reduces the amount of plastic in the landfills or seas, reduces the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that are created during production of “virgin” plastic, and more.

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